
вырезать имя существительное:
порез (cut, maim)
разрез (cutting, cut, section, incision, slit, mine)
снижение (drop, decline, cut, fall, depression, descent)
разрезание (cutting, cut, incision, scission, section)
прекращение (cessation, stop, cease, discontinuation, suspension, cut)
резание (cutting, cut, shredding)
сечение (section, cut, size)
покрой (cut, style, fashion)
прекращение подачи (cut)
путь (way, path, route, road, pathway, cut)
вырезка (tenderloin, cutting, notch, cut, undercut, scrap)
удар (hit, shock, impact, blow, strike, cut)
рана (wound, injury, sore, cut, hurt, maim)
выемка (recess, notch, groove, excavation, hollow, cut)
монтаж (mounting, Assembly, assembling, montage, erection, cut)
канал (channel, canal, duct, conduit, opening, cut)
снятие (cut)
кратчайший путь (shortcut, beeline, byway, cut, byroad, crosscut)
купюра (note, denomination, cut, bond)
профиль (profile, section, shape, contour, side view, cut)
засечка (serif, notch, Nick, cut, click, hairstroke)
зарубка (nick, notch, hack, score, snick, cut)
быстрая смена кадров (cut)
пролет (span, bay, width, sweep, aperture, cut)
гравюра на дереве (woodcut, xylograph, woodprint, cut)
резаная рана (hack, cut, sword-cut)
покрой одежды (cut)
резкое замечание (fling, cut, brickbat)
имя прилагательное:
отрезанный (cut)
разрезанный (cut, dissected, bisected, bias, cut-up)
сниженный (reduced, discounted, lowered, depressed, cut, abated)
нарезанный (sliced, cut)
порезанный (cut)
срезанный (cut, cutaway, shorn)
обрезанный (cut, clipped)
скроенный (cut)
подстриженный (cut)
подрезанный (clipped, cut, lopped)
уменьшенный (reduced, diminished, lessened, cut, little)
кастрированный (castrated, emasculated, neuter, gelded, gelt, cut)
остриженный (cut)
отрезать (cut off, cut, cut away, amputate, clip, excise)
резать (cut, slaughter, kill, carve, shear, snip)
разрезать (cut, cut up, slit, nick, bisect, cleave)
резаться (cut)
сокращать (cut, reduce, shrink, abbreviate, contract, shorten)
урезать (cut, cut down, curtail, skimp, truncate, pare down)
снижать (reduce, lower, cut, sink, degrade, bring down)
рубить (hack, cut, chop, cut Down, hew, fell)
стричь (cut, clip, shave, pare, shore)
подстричь (cut, Trim)
косить (mow, cut, mow down, scythe, shave, decimate)
кроить (cut, cut out, make up)
рассекать (dissect, cut, split, cleave, plow, swish)
валить (fell, cut, throw, get out, fall, lumber)
пересекаться (cross, intersect, meet, cut)
нарубить (chop, cut, hew, hack, mince)
пересекать (cross, intersect, cross over, traverse, pass, cut)
прекращать (stop, cease, discontinue, end, quit, cut)
ранить (injure, wound, cut, stab, wing, Scotch)
гранить (cut, facet, grind)
жать (press, reap, harvest, cut, mow, pinch)
монтировать (mount, install, assemble, edit, fit, cut)
высекать (carve, hew, cut, strike, chisel, hew out)
постригаться (cut, give a haircut, get a haircut)
постригать (cut, give a haircut)
шлифовать (grind, Polish, cut, abrade, smooth, lap)
тесать (cut, hack, adz, adze, hew)
остригать (cut, crop)
скроить (cut)
пропускать (miss, skip, pass, miss out, omit, cut)
прорезываться (erupt, teethe, cut)
кастрировать (castrate, emasculate, geld, cut, unsex, unman)
удирать (get away, scoot, run off, bolt, cut, make off)
переставать (cease, cut, desist, lay off, cheese)
перерубать (cut)
бурить (drill, bore, cut)
сокращать путь (cut, cut corners, cut across)
убирать урожай (harvest, cut)
идти напрямик (take a shortcut, cut, cut off a corner)
не кланяться (cut)
обделывать (arrange, manage, cut, polish, set)
прерывать знакомство (cut)
стесывать (abate, cut)
снимать колоду (cut)
подкашивать (cut)
снижать цены (reduce prices, deflate, cut)
не присутствовать (cut)
резко ударить (cut)
причинять острую боль (sting, pang, cut)
обижать (offend, hurt, insult, wrong, mortify, cut)
делать вид, что не замечаешь (cut)
срезать (cut, shear, cut away, slash, shave, chamfer)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "cut" в других словарях:

  • Cut — (k[u^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cut}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Cutting}.] [OE. cutten, kitten, ketten; prob. of Celtic origin; cf. W. cwtau to shorten, curtail, dock, cwta bobtailed, cwt tail, skirt, Gael. cutaich to shorten, curtail, dock, cutach short,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cut — (k[u^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cut}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Cutting}.] [OE. cutten, kitten, ketten; prob. of Celtic origin; cf. W. cwtau to shorten, curtail, dock, cwta bobtailed, cwt tail, skirt, Gael. cutaich to shorten, curtail, dock, cutach short,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cut — ► VERB (cutting; past and past part. cut) 1) make an opening, incision, or wound in (something) with a sharp implement. 2) shorten or divide into pieces with a sharp implement. 3) make, form, or remove with a sharp implement. 4) make or design (a …   English terms dictionary

  • cut — adjective make or design (a garment) in a particular way: → cut cut verb (cutting; past and past participle cut) 1》 make an opening, incision, or wound in (something) with a sharp tool or object. 2》 remove (something) from something larger by… …   English new terms dictionary

  • cut — or short cut [kut] vt. cut, cutting [ME cutten, kytten < Late OE * cyttan < Scand base seen in Swed dial., Ice kuta, to cut with a knife: the word replaced OE ceorfan (see CARVE), snithan, scieran (see SHEAR) as used in its basic senses] I… …   English World dictionary

  • Cut — may refer to: The act of cutting, the separation of an object into two through acutely directed force Contents 1 Mathematics 2 Computing 3 …   Wikipedia

  • cut — cut·cher·ry; cut·ie; cut·lash; cut·lass; cut·ler; cut·le·ria; cut·le·ri·a·ce·ae; cut·le·ri·a·les; cut·ler·ite; cut·lery; cut·let; cut·ling; cut·lings; cut·ta·ble; cut·tage; cut·ta·nee; cut·teau; cut·ted; cut·ter·man; cut·ter; cut·ting·ly;… …   English syllables

  • Cut-up — (oder: Schnittechnik) nennt man eine Methode, den Zufall und die moderne Montage in die Literatur einzubeziehen. Sie wurde von Brion Gysin zufällig 1959 entdeckt [1]. Ähnliche Ansätze waren von Max Frisch und James Joyce bereits entwickelt worden …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cut — Cut, n. 1. An opening made with an edged instrument; a cleft; a gash; a slash; a wound made by cutting; as, a sword cut. [1913 Webster] 2. A stroke or blow or cutting motion with an edged instrument; a stroke or blow with a whip. [1913 Webster] 3 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • CUT — (engl. „schneiden“, „Schnitt“) steht für: Cut (Film), ein australischen Film von Kimble Rendall Cut (Musik), eine DJ Technik zur Erzeugung eines Übergangs zwischen zwei Musikstücken Cut (Zeitschrift), eine deutsche Fachzeitschrift für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cut — (engl. „schneiden“, „Schnitt“) steht für: Cut (Film), einen australischen Film von Kimble Rendall Cut (Musik), eine DJ Technik zur Erzeugung eines Übergangs zwischen zwei Musikstücken Cut (Zeitschrift), eine deutsche Fachzeitschrift für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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